All owners of property within Meadowbrook are members of Meadowbrook Homeowners Association, Inc. The association is regulated by section 94 of the Oregon Revised Statutes (ORS 94), also known as the Oregon Planned Community Act. It is further organized as a non-profit corporation under ORS 65. In addition to state law, the association is controlled by its Articles of Incorporation, Bylaws and Codes, Covenants, & Restrictions (CC&Rs).
Meadowbrook Homeowners Association is governed by the Board of Directors composed of five persons, all of whom must be an owner of property in Meadowbrook. Board responsibilities include establishing policies consistent with the CC&Rs, setting the budget for the association, and establishing committees. The board president is responsible for day-to-day operations of the association.
Powers and Duties of the Board of Directors also include:
- provide maintenance and services for the common property;
- obtain and maintain in force policies of insurance;
- adopt budgets and impose and collect assessments;
- enforce the provisions of the CC&R;
- employ agents, advisors and contractors to manage, conduct and perform the business, obligations and duties of the association.
- transfer, dedicate and encumber common property for public purposes.