Members of the association have certain rights, such as the right to use common property, vote in association elections, attend board meetings, and inspect certain records of the association.
Members also have certain obligations. They must pay assessments and comply with restrictions set forth in the CC&Rs and with polices established by the board. The association has the right to enforce its regulations by imposing fines on members, suspending their access to common property, and filing liens on property for nonpayment of assessments or fines.
It is important that all members of the association be familiar with its CC&Rs and policies. Violations can be very costly. For example, all exterior modifications to a home including painting require approval of the Architecture Review Board. If a property owner makes modifications without approval, he might be fined and required to alter those modifications at his expense.
One can avoid such an unfortunate situation by being familiar with the rules, most of which are available in the By-Laws and CC&R, both of which can be viewed as a downloaded PDF on this website. Questions should be directed to the association office.